Painless Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Delhi
Wisdom teeth normally erupt between the ages of 18 to 24 years of age, time at which we are supposed to acquire wisdom and therefore known as wisdom teeth.
Only a few lucky people have their wisdom teeth erupted in place and most of others requires extraction. Wisdom teeth or third molars usually don’t find enough space in our jaw bones to erupt normally and thus are impacted in jaw bones.
So thus all wisdom teeth needs extraction, absolutely not. We follow a basic rule if it is not hurting you and no significant radiological sign of complication is visible, we do not extract it.
Wisdom teeth needs extraction in following conditions:-

It is difficult to keep hygiene in area of wisdom teeth so a cavity may develop in top part of tooth and progresses fast enough to cause pain associated with swelling and redness of gums

Infection in adjacent tooth
A wisdom tooth by virtue of its malposition may impinge on normal healthy tooth and cause cavity in that normal tooth. Such cavities are usually not accessible unless wisdom tooth is extracted.

Cyst below wisdom teeth
A cyst may develop along with infection in wisdom teeth. If this cyst continues to grow it may damage bone, other teeth and cause serious complications.
Most of people ask can I go to office tomorrow after extraction!
Removal of wisdom teeth is a small surgical procedure and a well-trained oral surgeon can accomplish it in 15-20 minutes. If post-operative instructions are followed and medications are taken on time most of them can resume routine activities very next day. Even the procedure of removing a broken wisdom tooth remains same.
FAQs regarding wisdom teeth extraction
Wisdom teeth extraction leads to reduced eye sight
It is an age old myth. Wisdom teeth is not connected to eye or eye sight in anyway.
Wisdom teeth extraction will hurt a lot during procedure
No the procedure is not painful. With proper anaesthesia and technique even pain after procedure is not significant.
Do wisdom teeth extraction lead to swelling of face
Yes a swelling can occur over the face after the extraction. Swelling is more common in lower jaw extractions and in females. Cold sponging immediately after extraction reduce the chance of swelling.
How many wisdom teeth can be extracted in same sitting?
Two wisdom teeth on same side that is either right or left can be removed in one sitting.
What is the correct age for getting wisdom teeth extracted?
Wisdom teeth are extracted whenever they develop problem or pain irrespective of age. However they give more trouble in people in their 20’s.
Whom to consider for wisdom teeth extraction? Oral surgeon or General dentist
Wisdom teeth extractions are different from routine extractions. General dentist may pull out wisdom teeth but Oral surgeons are better trained in pulling out tough and impacted wisdom teeth. Oral surgeons are less likely to cause damage to the adjacent nerve and teeth. Wisdom teeth extraction by Oral surgeon is more likely to heal sooner and give lesser postoperative pain and discomfort.
Click here to download post extraction instructions
Cost of painless wisdom teeth extraction in Delhi
The cost of wisdom tooth extraction at all locations of Goel Dental in Delhi starts from 2500 and can go up depending upon the complexity of extraction and length of surgery.