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    Scaling and Polishing – Goel Dental

    It is the simplest procedure that can enhance your dental health

    Teeth scaling and cleaning procedure

    Every person is bound to have some degree of plaque on to his teeth irrespective of how thorough you might be with your brushing. This plaque can be a cause of bad breath, bleeding gums, loose teeth any many other such problems.

    However good news is that all this can be prevented by a 10 minute visit to a dentist every 6 months. Many of us are not familiar with dental or professional cleaning, but research suggests that dental cleaning should be done

    once every six months in a dental clinic. It is known by various names like scaling or polishing, teeth cleaning or professional dental cleaning. Some of us are aware of it and are regularly visiting dentist for teeth cleaning, but for those who are new here is a brief description.

    Benefits of teeth scaling

    • It removes deposits from teeth.

    • It relieves bad breath.

    • It helps to reduce or relieve gum bleeding.

    • It strengthens teeth.

    • Prevents untimely loosening of teeth.

    • Removes stains from teeth surface

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      Teeth scaling and cleaning procedure

      Every person is bound to have some degree of plaque on to his teeth irrespective of how thorough you might be with your brushing. This plaque can be a cause of bad breath, bleeding gums, loose teeth any many other such problems.

      However good news is that all this can be prevented by a 10 minute visit to a dentist every 6 months. Many of us are not familiar with dental or professional cleaning, but research suggests that dental cleaning should be done once every six months in a dental clinic. It is known by various names like scaling or polishing, teeth cleaning or professional dental cleaning. Some of us are aware of it and are regularly visiting dentist for teeth cleaning, but for those who are new here is a brief description.

      Benefits of teeth scaling

      • It removes deposits from teeth.

      • It relieves bad breath.

      • It helps to reduce or relieve gum bleeding.

      • It strengthens teeth.

      • Prevents untimely loosening of teeth.

      • Removes stains from teeth surface

      Why do we need frequent professional teeth cleaning?

      A very well executed teeth brushing and flossing cannot remove every bit of food that remains after eating food. Overtime gradually this food accumulation leads to formation of tartar and plaques in between your teeth as well as between teeth and gums.

      (Most common site for tartar or plaque formation is on back side of front lower teeth, you can observe this in a mirror).

      Therefore, it becomes extremely necessary to get these deposits cleaned by a dental professional periodically.

      Myth or bad reputation associated with tooth scaling

      It is a common belief that cleaning causes loosening of teeth and also causes gap between the teeth. But this is a misconception.

      A successful session of complete cleaning will eventually lead to strengthening of teeth in the socket as there will be no remaining infection causing debris and tartar.

      The initial gaps that are seen after cleaning are caused because of the tartar that was earlier occupying the gaps between the teeth has been removed.

      If this area is maintained well by the patient, these gaps get gradually filled up by healthy gums.

      Procedure of scaling and polishing

      So, just what is involved in scaling and polishing?

      “Scaling” refers to the process of scraping off the hardened pieces of plaque and tartar that are stuck to your teeth using a modern ultrasonic scaler. These are available at almost all dental clinics. With ultrasonic scalers process has become much faster and virtually free of any side effects because it does not cause damage to teeth enamel.

      ‘Polishing’ refers to smoothening of teeth surface so that is becomes shiny and smooth which prevents any accumulation of food on it. This is done after teeth scaling. A polish is applied on all teeth surfaces and then it is smoothened using a rotating disc like instrument.

      Cost of teeth scaling and polishing

      • Cost of scaling and polishing is INR 1800 for one person.
      • For two people combined cost is INR 3000.

      Scaling and Polishing

      This simple procedure can give you a long lasting oral health if followed regularly. Book your appointment and receive useful tips to further enhance your dental health.